Till now we have learnt many tutorials on java software development language like Methods,  Access Modifiers, Static and Non Static, Object, Constructor, and Many More Tutorials On Java... All these java software development object oriented concept tutorials are very much useful in selenium webdriver software automation test case development. That's why I recommend you all to learn them very carefully. All these software automation testing tutorials will also helps you to pass selenium webdriver Interview. Now let me take you one step ahead to Inheritance In java software development language.

What Is Constructor In Java software development?
If interviewer asks you a definition of constructor then you can give him answer like : Constructor Is a code block which Is Called and executed at the time of object creation and constructs the values (i.e. data) for object and that's why It Is known as constructor. Each class have default no argument constructor In Java software development language If you have not specified any explicit constructor for that class. In java software development language, Constructor looks like methods but bellow given properties of constructor are differentiate them from the methods. You can VIEW TUTORIALS OF METHODS IN JAVA.

Before learning about variable types In java software programming language, I recommend you to read my posts related to variable's  DATA TYPESACCESS MODIFIERS and STATIC AND NON STATIC VARIABLES. As you know, Variable provide us a memory space (based on type and size of declared variable) to store a value. There are different three types of variables available In java software development language as bellow.

What Is An Object In Java?
If Interviewer ask you this question then your answer should be like this : Object Is an Instance of class. In other words we can say object Is bundle of related methods and variables. Every object has Its own states and behavior. Objects are generally used with constructors In java software development language. Understanding of object Is very Important for Selenium WebDriver software testing tool learner because we have to create and use objects In our test case development of software web applications. We can create multiple objects for the same class having Its own property in java software development language.

Right now we are learning different components of methods in java software development language as described in THIS POST. You can read about use of different ACCESS MODIFIERS and RETURN TYPES of method If you are not aware about it. One another component of method Is It can be static or non static method. Static keyword with method Is describes that this method Is static and If method do not have static keyword then that method Is non static in java software development. Same rule Is applied for variables too. Static means stable and non static means unstable in common words. There are several difference between static and not static methods In java software development language as described bellow.

We have learnt METHOD IN JAVA software development language and different METHOD ACCESS MODIFIERS in my previous posts. Now let me introduce you with different return types of methods in java software development language. You can use two kind of return types with methods. 1. Void and 2. Any data types. Void means returning nothing and when your method is returning some values like Integer, String, double, etc.., You need to provide return type with method according to returning value's data types in java software development language.

Access modifiers are the keywords in java software development language by which we can set the level of access for class, methods, variables and constructors. There are 4 different access modifiers available in java software development language. Now let me try to describe you how can we use them to set the access for the methods and variables. First of all let me tell you meaning of each access modifier keyword in java software development language and then will give you examples for them.

What Is Method?
In Selenium webdriver test suite for software web application, You need to perform some actions multiple time or in multiple test cases like Login in to Account of software web application, Place Order or any other action on software application. If you will write this kind of (same repeated) actions In all the test cases then It will becomes overhead for you and will Increase size of your code. Instead of that, If you create methods for this kind of operations and then call that method whenever required then It will be very easy to maintain your test cases of software web application.

What is Array?
As we have learnt in my post about DIFFERENT DATA TYPES, We can store values in variables based on type of data like int i=5; double d = 12.254; etc in java software development. Now if you wants to store multiple values (10 or 15 or more different values) in different variables then it will be overhead for you to create and initialize different variables for each value. In this situation, you can use array to store multiple different values in array. An array can store multiple value of same data type(int, char, String) at the same time and each stored data location has unique Index. There are two types of array in java software development language. One Dimensional Array and Two Dimensional Array.

As we have learnt in my previous post, loops(for loop, while loop) in java software development language or any other software programming languages are useful to execute block of code multiple times. You will have to use loops in your selenium webdriver software tests very frequently. We have already learnt for loop with different examples in my previous post. Now let me describe you while loop and do while loop with practical examples in java software development language.

We have learnt different if else condition statements in my previous post. Now let we move to loops in java software development language. Loops(for loop, while loop, do while loop) have very important role in selenium webdriver software test case development with java or any other languages. For loop in selenium is widely used. As you know, sometimes you need to perform same action multiple times(Example : 100 or more times) on your web page. Now if you will write multiple lines of code to perform same action multiple times then it will increase your code size. For the best practice, you need to use for loop in selenium java in this kind of situations.

I have received many requests from my blog readers for posting some basic java tutorials which are really required in selenium webdriver software testing process. So now I have planned to post some basic java tutorial posts which are really required in selenium webdriver learning and implementation in your software testing process. These tutorials will help you for selenium webdriver interview preparation too. Let we start from different data types In java which we can use in our selenium webdriver software test case preparation.

As you know, there are many assertions in TestNG and you will find most of them on THIS PAGE. Each of these TestNG assertions are designed to fulfill different kind of conditions. I have described mostly used all assertions with very clear examples with selenium webdriver test. If you will see on that link, you will find example of assertNull assertion. assertNotNull assertion works opposite to assertNull assertion means it will assert not null condition.

As you know, TestNG is the framework which is very useful to use with selenium WebDriver software testing tool. I have shared all selenium webdriver with testng tutorials on THIS LINK. The main reason behind TestNG's popularity is we can create and configure test case and test suite very easily for software web application using many different annotations of TestNG. Few annotations are similar in TestNG and junit and you can view junit annotations with example on this JUNIT ANNOTATIONS POST.